Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Avery Vance on charter schools

This episode of last week tonight with John Oliver covers charter schools, and the complete lack of rules regarding starting or running one.

Charter schools have very few perameters as to their inception. This allows many fraudulent people to make a profit off of the education of children, sometimes ruining said education. One of the main factors that causes this is that there are many, many exploits in the federal laws regarding charter school starting and funding. I feel as though this needs to change and stricter guidelines need to be set in order to ensure many of this nations children's educations.


  1. Certainly there are good charter schools and bad charter schools as there are also good and bad homeschool educational enviroments. I come from a home school enviroment using an accredited curriculum, yet I've often wondered who should be the best judge of how a student is educated. Parents entering a charter school system may be the victim of porfit seeking individuals who do not have the student's best interest at heart or they may offer an unproven education model causing studints to suffer and parents to lose economically. Where ever you go your efucation is what you make of it.

  2. I think Education is the most important thing because it shapes how people think and what they know and they need more rules to keep things like this from happening.
