Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ellen Whitehead Current Event

Because the Oscar nominees were released this morning, there has been lots of press and controversy. The recent film, "La La Land" recieved 14 nominees, tieing the record with "Titanic" and "All About Eve" for the most Academy Awards in history. This years nominees broke the record for black actors nominated, by nominated six, with the help of the diverse films, "Moonlight," "Fences," and "Hidden Figures." "Moonlight" expectly earned eight nominees. Mel Gibson was nominated for best director for the film. "Hacksaw Ridge." One of the biggest dissapointments was in teh Best Actress category. "Arrival," supported in eight categories, was not nominated for best actress with their lead, Amy Adams, even though ABC originally announced her as a nominee. Another mistake made by ABC was the nomination of Tom Hanks for best actor in "Sully."This year's Oscar will be different from any other and definetly one to watch.


1 comment:

  1. I love watching the oscars but I wish they could be more organized!
