Monday, April 10, 2017

CPS removes kid, Aeva Ramirez6

In Ohio, Christian and Katie Maple lost custody of their 7-year-old son, Cameron, due to a twisted joke. Cameron has been described by his parent as a normal child who likes Star Wars and Legos. One day Christian and Katie were called down to his school due to what Cameron had said to the counselor after getting in trouble. He said that he had been a bad person and needed to "erase himself from this world" the counselor asked how he would do that and Cameron responded that he would stab himself in the eye. His parents later had a conversation with Cameron and he said that he wasn't actually going to hurt himself. Cameron has been tested above his grade level and finds no challenge in school and if often bored and that his chat with the counselor was a joke. Although, the the school called the CPS due to the fact that Cheistian and Katie would have their child medicated and would not disclose what was said in their conversation with Cameron. Cameron was later taken away from his family and remains in custody of the CPS.

I don't agree with the school or states actions. As children my brother and I were a bit violent. Killing spys and bad guys in our games and my brother and I were perfectly sane children. Cameron was one child of four other happy siblings. His words do call for caution but probably won't be fixed by taking him away from his family. Christian and Katie Maple weren't even informed about the CPS court hearing until the day of the meeting, that they were not prepared for. Just because parents don't wish to make family matters public or heavily medicate their children doesn't mean they don't care about them.


  1. Some kids say stuff they don't mean when they are little.^^^

  2. This is a scary situation, I wonder how the mother reacted. Logan mook

  3. It is interesting how this child was taken away so quickly from his family. I feel sorry for this child because he is probably scared. I wonder if CPS looked at the whole picture and the whole family structure before they made their decision.
