Monday, April 10, 2017

Ellen Whitehead-Current Event

Robert Seman, a suspect of three murders, committed apparent suicide while at court. He jumped off the court building, four stories. Seman was accused of killing a 10-year old girl and her grandparents in an arson fire. He jumped with an officer in front and behind him, it was that sudden. He suicide portrays that he was the murderer of the girl and her grandparents. I think that this man committed suicide so he did not have to face the consequences to his actions. I feel that this is a bad way to face your problems.


  1. Its sad that someone would take someone elses life, then kill themselves just to get away from consequences.

  2. i feel that is very cowardly and he shouldn't have been allowed to do that, regardless of the circumstance. Also Ellen I think your'e cute.

  3. He should be punished for what he did instead of just taking an easy way out

  4. It is sad that his life consisted of crime and the only way he thought to get out of it was by ending his own life. He punished himself for his own crimes.
