Saturday, April 22, 2017

Grace Biltz - French election

Will populism and nationalism trend continue? It all started with Brexit, when Great Britain decided to leave the European Union (EU). Then after that startling event, President Trump became president of the United States. Now, the French people have to decide whether to continue the populist and nationalist movement. Marine Le Pen is a leading candidate and an avowed nationalist who wants to take a hard stance against immigration and Islamic terrorism. Running against Le Pen is Emmanuel Macron, who is a center-left candidate. Le Pen mirrors President Trump's beliefs while Macron's most closely represents Obama's political beliefs.
The world is watching this election because its impact could be widespread. Could it mean another country leaving the European Union? And what will it mean for populism and nationalism?

I don't think that excluding immigrants solves anything. It won't prevent immigrants from coming into France and by doing this, it won't limit terrorist attacks for long. I support Macron's beliefs of unity, inclusion and peace. I also hope that the European Union doesn't fall apart due to this election because it could affect future trading and alliances.

1 comment:

  1. If the European Union falls apart it could also affect military alliances. France has had many terrorist attacks since that started letting immigrants in so i wouldn't be surprised if Macron did not win.
