Monday, April 10, 2017

San Bernardino School Shooting-Current Events Victoria Gonzalez

          A man in Southern California fatally shot his wife before killing himself in a school for special-needs children on April 11, 2017. Two children were injured, and one later passed away due to his critical injuries from the murder-suicide. The suspect reportedly walked in without saying anything and then shot his wife in front of the eyes of children. Parents remain distraught after such a horrifying event, and local security promises to improve their safety for the people but I am honestly so fed up with how many stories we have to hear about mass shootings. I am not sure how many more innocent people need to die before we realize that while it is not okay to rip legal guns away from all citizens it is certainly not alright to have such easy access to these lethal weapons. Especially if they show any legal records of being capable of massacres like this. While I strongly disagree with the man currently sitting in the oval office, I hope that he is capable enough to realize that what threatens our safety also remains within out borders.


  1. I agree, anyone who wants to own a gun should honestly be put through a psychological test to measure the mental stability.

  2. I completely agree with Ian. I till something is changed, this will Leo happeneing. Logan mook
