Monday, May 22, 2017

Current Event -Ellen Whitehead

Earlier tonight in Manchester, England, a bomb was set off during the end of an Ariana Grande concert. Witnesses say that the concert had ended and the lights had come back up for the people to start to exit when the bomb went off. This bombs has killed 19 people so far and has injured at least 50 others. The explosion is identified as a suicide attack, but the police are treating it as a terrorist attack. It is terrible that people cannot simply enjoy themselves at a concert anymore without conflict. It is appalling that this is what our world is come to, not letting innocent people enjoy a concert.


  1. When i heard everyone start to talk about this, it really hit me that no matter where we are we could be at any point be attacked. This news really heart my heart, these innocent people killed for no reason really just made me sad.

  2. This is devastating and can happen anywhere. I have been to concerts and never had the fear that I would be killed by a terrorist. The world we live in is becoming so dangerous due to hatred and evil.
