Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Stabbing Occurs in Portland due to Islamophobia-Victoria Gonzalez

             In Portland, Oregon on May 26, 2017 two young African-American women were attacked and almost stabbed by white supremacist Jeremy Joseph Christian. One woman was wearing a hijab, while another was not, however, both of them faced slurs such as, "Go home! We need Americans here!" After a couple of other passengers came forth and defended the two women, arguing broke out and eventually violence. Christian then threatened the men and even dared them to do something to make him stop. He then began stabbing people on the train numerous, and violent times causing serious chest and neck wounds. He was later arrested and taken into custody while the wounded men were taken to the hospital. Two men later died in the hospital, while one is in critical condition. The two women later thanked the men who stepped in and protected them and saved their lives. What bothers me about this goes beyond just this hatred and violence, in a CNN panel a spokesperson claimed the horror about this mental illness. Yet the issue at hand is not mental illness, it's hatred. When someone black, Latino or Middle-Eastern commits a horrifying crime it's considered evil, even a cultural trait or a personality characteristic. How is it when the same applies to someone who's white it is a mental illness instead?

1 comment:

  1. This is horrible and the fact that it happened in America is unfathomable. There is no room for this type of hatred in society.
