Monday, May 22, 2017

space babies by juliet

In a recent experiment to see if mammals could reproduce in space, scientists have found success. 73 healthy baby mice were born outside of earths atmosphere, making this experiment not only the first of its kind, but also a very important stepping stone to life outside of earth. The offspring seem to be entirely healthy, even having several advantages over their earth-bound counterparts. This expedition also confirmed that frozen sperm, as well as other preserved genetic matter, can survive the conditions aboard a spaceship.

This is very very important because this now proves that if we so desired we could live life outside of earth. Lets face it, Earth is not in the best condition, we as a species have been reckless and inconsiderate towards our environment, and because of this the planet is dying. This is our chance to start a new. With more advances, and a better understanding of space conditions, the humans could take to the stars and colonize among a new planet.


  1. Very, very interesting study. I would have never thought of studying if we can reproduce in space.

  2. It's a little scary that we even have to think about this stuff. But we do, and I'm glad that precautions are being taken.

  3. i didnt know sperm could live in space good event.
