Saturday, May 20, 2017

Grace Biltz | Automation

Technology continues to advance and jobs are at risk of being replaced by different forms of automation. This first impacted the manufacturing industry, but now will affect retail. Between 6 and 7.5 million jobs could be impacted which is almost 40% of the retail workforce. Cashiers would be most impacted with automated check-out. There will also be fewer sales jobs because buyers can use computers to find what they need.
E-commerce is also having a significant impact on retail as more people are buying goods over the internet. Stores are having to compete against Amazon who already uses a huge amount of robots and automation in their fulfillment centers. Amazon is pushing competition with its low-cost process.

It will be interesting to watch the retain industry undergo these changes. Stores continue to close while online shopping gets easier and easier. I am fascinated to see what next industry will be impacted by robotics and automation.


  1. This makes me wonder what our lives will be like and the future. It's very exciting but scary in a way.

  2. The retail industry needs to somehow reinvent itself so people cannot be out of jobs. 40% is a lot of people. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future.
