Monday, September 15, 2014

93-Year Old former Nazi charged for murder by Saul Flores
     A 93-year old former Nazi has recently been charged for thousands of murders during the Holocaust. This man helped in a gas chamber located in Auschwitz, which killed over 300,000 Jews immediately upon their arrival. The German court is still in the process of deciding whether or not the accused will go on trial. For more than 60 years German courts had only prosecuted Nazi war criminals if evidence showed they had personally committed atrocities, but Germany has already caught and imprisoned many former Nazis.

     I believe this man should be taken to a maximum security prison in Germany, regardless of his age. Even he does go to prison, it will never be able to make up for the thousands of lives that he took away. Of course he wasn't a huge leader like Adolf Hitler, but he was one of the many soldiers that kept the Holocaust. Although it will not bring back the hundreds of thousands of people he killed, this man sure does deserve the rest of his life in prison.


  1. I'm surprised that things like this are still even a problem. Thought they were all dead by now. He should definitely be put in prison for what he did.

  2. I agree, it definitely serves justice, but there's still a questioning if it's necessary for his age.
