Monday, September 1, 2014

U.N. to Investigate Human Rights Abuses by ISIS By Gabriel Ramos Iraqis have been dealing with lots of violence over the past couple of years, but now the situation has only gotten worse with terror group "ISIS" taking over parts of the country. Many citizens have became victims of this either through physical or sexual abuse. ISIS has also destroyed many religious sites and persecuted many citizens of different ethnic groups and religious groups. In august 1,420 Iraqis were killed and 1,370 were wounded by terrorism and acts of violence. I don't think that ISIS should be killing innocent civilians for no reason. If they want to get a message through to people, they shouldn't do it through violence because it will only make matters worse than what they are. The United states are sending in airstrikes to the siezed areas by ISIS and are trying to stop them which will probably make the terror group cause more violence.

1 comment:

  1. These people were born woth the devil inside of them if they're pertaining to kill innocent lives.These indegenous souls must be tamed.And the lord be with the innocent who died.
