Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello Kitty 40th Birthday Announces That She Is A Girl!!!! What!?!?!?!? Mariela L.

       This is a big 40th year for Ms. Kitty. That's because the perpetual 3rd grader revealed her secret. Although she is not shy about revealing her age, Ms. Kitty announced to the world -            SHE IS NOT A GIRL!!!!!
       This rumor was confirmed by Harvard Anthropologist and Hello Kitty expert Christine Yano. The writer had written a script to honor the 40year old and commented she was a " feline". But she was corrected. The Sanrio company revised her work ad straight up told her the truth about Kitty being a girl not a cat . As a matter of fact, Ms. Kitty has a pet cat named Charming Kitty!

       Honestly, I had a suspicion that Hello Kitty was not a girl because of a story I got told when I was 10. It goes something like this: There was once a young girl and her mother who raced back and forth from hospitals. The girl was diagnosed with some type of mouth cancer that doctors did not believe she could survive. Everyday, the mother would pray to God for hope of a miracle. Time passed and things only grew worse. The mother grew severely desperate and by this point couldn't think straight anymore. This would lead her to take a decision she would later regret. She did the unthinkable thing to save her poor, little girl from dying. The mom audaciously prayed to the devil. And so the devil came with his loathsome poise to grant her the wish. The next morning the mother went to check on her daughter to see if she was alright. She grabbed the girl's shoulder and saw her face. The woman screamed in horror when she realized what she had done. The little girl's mouth had disappeared.


  1. I dont't think they should suddenly tell people Hello Kitty is a girl. the mainstream of people have always looked at her to be a cat, why a little girl now?

  2. I think hello kitty is both a girl and a cat. I don't get what the big deal is about the gender/animal that she is. It is just a brand.

  3. I grew up on hello kitty and even though they quote in quote "feminized" her I agree that it wasn't a big deal and I never really thought about her gender
