Saturday, February 25, 2017

Grace Biltz | Google donates $11.5 million

Google donated $11.5 million to help fight discrimination. They donated this money to multiple organizations. "With black men sentences at over 5 times the rate of white men, mass incarceration is a major focus of the Google grants."
One organization that Google is supporting is the Measures for Justice. Google's donation of $1.5m will create a web platform to show others how local justice systems treat people based on their criminal history, including their race, ethnicity and gender. They hope that these statistics will help to change outcomes. Another organization, JustLeadershipUSA, received $650,000 to provide training so people learn how to organize and lead reform in their own local areas.
Google is one of the largest technology companies in the world. They are putting their support and money to help this cause and hopefully change some of the negative thoughts and actions regarding discrimination in our society.

Google is making a big statement by donating this money to support efforts to combat discrimination. It is a very generous act and I hope that people recognize this and start thinking differently about this issue.


  1. I think it's amazing that Google cares so much about the discrimination that still threatens equality in our society. It also raises awareness about the cause.

  2. Its so great to see large scale companies a celebrities support causes that need to be recognized. Discrimination is a huge problem in society and hopefully this money that Google has donated makes a difference.
