Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Modern Day Slavery by Victoria Valdez

A group of men in West Scotland were kept as slaves in a vacant hotel.  Many traveled in hopes of a better live away from their home countries.  Once they arrived in Scotland, they were forced to do labor with very little pay.  After a year, they received help from a charity and were able to put the man responsible in jail.  Many of the men are afraid to return home.


It is hard to understand how a group of men could fall into the trap of modern day slavery.  However, they were from other countries, paid a lot of money for travel and felt scared.  It is very sad that many left their families behind and are now afraid to return home.


  1. That is horrible! I hope they get the justice they deserve.

  2. This is absolutely horrific! Especially after what we learned earlier today in class about the Atlantic Slave Trade. I agree with Grayson and really hope the people that did this get in trouble

  3. This is probably happening way more than we know about. It's tragic and needs to be righted.

  4. Slavery is always a terrible thing to think about because it's just cruel, especially if you want to get away from such harsh conditions of where you lived before. However, I'm happy to know that the man responsible was put into jail.
