Saturday, October 4, 2014

iPhone 6 Randi Thompson

The iphone is one of the leading phones in America. Its ability to connect to people so easily, the first phone that talks, its emojis,etc all draw people to this particualr phone. The iphone started as being called the iphone 3g, and as the years went by new editions of the phones were released. On September 23, 2014 the iphone 6/6 plus was released. This brought attentiont to millions of people. The iphone 6 has great feaures and is enjoyed and will be enjoyed by many people!


  1. That's good to hear, I want an iPhone 6.

  2. New emojis are great, and this update is a lot cooler than iPhone 5 was.

  3. There are new emojis? Also, I've heard a lot of issues with the phone. Apparently it can bend?
