Friday, October 3, 2014

Royals warn paparazzi to back off baby George By: Emma Wall

In this article it talks about the royal couples son, George. They are upset that paparazzi is following their child. They want their child to live a normal life without being followed constantly. Along with the article there is a video about the issue.

I understand where they are coming from. If I was put in their situation I would not want people constantly stalking my child. I would want them to live a normal life without all of the fame. Stalking in general is very creepy, so to think that it is a normal thing for them is very odd. I completely support their decision.

1 comment:

  1. Was George followed by paparazzi when he was a baby? Obviously the child is royal, so his childhood is already going to be different. It's something that needs to be accepted.
