Saturday, May 3, 2014

58 arrested in global blackmail case by Katelyn McLane

Police in the Philippines arrested 58 blackmailers who had been suspected of threatening victims in at least 6 countries, including the U.S., Indonesia, and Hong Kong with sexual information or images. They had been using this information or images to cyberblackmail hundreds of people, asking for any amount of money from about $500 to $15,000.

I think this is just awful. Hundreds of victims? I'll bet there was no logical or good reason to get so much money from all these poor people. Still, this is just reinforcing the fact that you should never post or say sexual things on the internet, or it could come back to haunt you in the form of blackmail. I hope the victims learned their lessons, but are also safe and get their money back somehow. I'm glad the blackmailers have been arrested and I hope they're punished as they deserve. Finally, I really hope nothing like this ever happens again, at least in such a huge mass.



  1. Hundreds of victims! That's incredibly widespread, and throughout the whole world. The web is exploited a lot for blackmailing, and its grossly personal that they would blackmail people with images of their own body. This is really terrible and I'm also glad that they've been arrested.

  2. This is really awful, and amazingly widespread, but its bad that there people did stuff like this to be blackmailed by
