Sunday, May 11, 2014

China's mental care crisis- Andrew Tunell

In China a man named Wu Yuanhong who suffers from schizophrenia, beat a small child to death, and as a result was forced to spend 11 years in a small metal cage by his mother. Apparently this isn't so rare, 173 million Chinese people are reported to suffer from mental disabilities, the problem is the lack of psychiatrists. A Study in 2009 reported that there were about 1.5 doctors for every 100,000 people. The lack of care for some of these people in need is very 
This is really sad that these people who need help are unable to get any.  Its also frightening about the extreme measures Wu Yuanhong's family took. It makes me glad to live in the United States where everyone is cared for.


  1. Oh my gosh! That's horrible!!!!!

  2. This makes me thankful as well. It never occurred to me how good psychiatrists are to society.
