Sunday, May 11, 2014

Chinese waste plant protest, by Jon Cope

Chinese waste plant protest, by Jon Cope...

Yesterday, in the district often the Yuhong district of the city of Hangzou, China, a protest occurred. Over thirty-nine people were injured, and dozens of vehicles were damaged. Two people were seriously injured in this Chinese waste plant protest.

I believe this is horrible... I don't see why people like this think violence is the answer. And for this amount of people to be injured, this is just horrible.



  1. Violence is definitely not the answer 99% of the time. People need to start trying to get their way logically instead of immediately choosing violence.

  2. It's hard to know what to do, because sometimes it can seem to be the only option, especially in desperate situations like going against putting up a waste plant (even though I don't agree with violence). At least they made the authorities question their plans.
