Monday, May 5, 2014

Stranded Scuba Divers by Anna Pickett

     Some scuba divers in Australia became stranded when their boat floated away. They wrote a giant SOS on a sandbar, which was seen by Australian rescuers. The scuba divers were found after eight hours of being stranded. They were able to rescue them using a helicopter
     I'm glad they were able to find the scuba divers. It was smart to write the SOS in the sand. That way, it was a lot easier for them to be found! I'm glad they knew what to do, but I hope that doesn't happen to them again!


  1. I know what I'm doing first if I get stranded.

    1. Starting a new society based upon the laws of original Marxism; Destroying all ties to others and surviving using nothing but you're Brain, Hands, and various different types of scuba diving supplies?

  2. Its good that they found then in under half a day. Although, I don't know why but this has rekindled thoughts of the Malaysian airplane that went missing. It apparently was supposed to be around Australia's waters....
