Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bomb in Israel kills many By Sydney May

     On Saturday in Israel, a bomb hit and killed many innocent people. Of these people were children, women, school teachers, and commons people. 64 were killed by the impact of this bomb. A spokesman of the Sunni group, took responsibility for the attack. After looking through all of the victims, police say that most of them were of the Shi'ite group. "The explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device fitted to a motorcycle," said Wazir Khan Nasir. According to the article, at least 12 people were burnt to death by the blast of the weapon. This event is truly tragic and couldnt have been avoided, which is the worst part. Nobody saw it coming, and it took them by a major surprise.
     This article was written by Gul Yousufzai of Reuters, and was a saddening but informative read. I did not sense any bias, but by the end I was definitely feeling sympathy for the Shi'ite's. This was most likely written for an audience that has been very in tune to middle eastern "drama", if you will. I hope that the families of the victims will recover quickly, and that there will be no more destruction to their lives.


  1. It's sad that there has to be so much violence...

  2. I agree with Rachel! It's very sad that there has to be so much violence.
