Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jackie Brown - U.S. Concerned with Egypt


Between the policemen torturing, anti-government protests, wide spread rape, and many deaths, Egypt authority is having a hard time building the confidence to stabilize it's people and put things back in order. Honestly, I can see why protesters would be anti-government due to where it has got them, however, their  protesting intentions are for the worse. U.S. Secretary of State for Human Rights, Democracy, & Labor did not have much to say other than stating the obvious; that the Egypt's president Muhammad needs to"reach out widely"to other political and social forces.

Yes, Michael Posner, you're really representing America by declaring the apparent needs Egypt is trying to achieve currently in the matters they've been dealt. However, many reports state the policemen captivating protesters are exceeding the guidelines of arrest and even have reported deaths of citizens while being held in the policemen's arrest. This is not what the President of Egypt wants, and is needing back up to organize this chaos back to peace.


  1. I am also worried about Egypt, things need to get better soon! -Taylor Marsh
