Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pistorius cries in Court - Elvira Gamboa

While in court, Pistorius began to openly cry. He is being charged for murdering his girlfriend. People at first thoguht he had mistook her for an intruder,but there had been nothing that indicated she forced her way in. People are devastated that a hero was involved in such a crime. Also they fhad been having domestic issues earlier. This event has also caused people to want stricter gun laws as well.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5XtpCw4SDo


  1. I agree that they should have stricter gun laws. It is so sad how one thing can change a life that quickly. I cant believe he would do that..

  2. I agree with Sydney. There really should be stricter laws...
