Monday, January 13, 2014

can we help them? by polly hynds-riddle

since the environment is getting worse in central africa it is becoming increasingly harder to help the almost a million people who are in need of the rescue services. they are hiding in schools and building and houses of the caring to getaway from the violence and svn though there are so many people trying to help there are way more that need help than can be helped with what is available.

i think it is awful and i wish that i could help, the people who are helping are doing everything they can to rescue the people in danger. anyone who is letting the refugees stay in their house is a wonderful person.


  1. I agree. Other nations need to help as much as possible, even if it's only a little. All countries have issues they are trying to sort out, but they also need to understand that that's true for everyone, or else they wouldn't be so unwilling to help foreign refugees.

  2. I wish there was more we could do to help these people. I can only imagine what they have to go through every day.

  3. It really is sad that so many people ignore these huge problems. They just arent grateful for what they have I guess
