Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kolina Hocevar period 5 girl stabs sister

Police received a 911 call about the horrible tragedy at 8:30 a.m Tuesday. The call came from the 14-year-old girl, said Mundelein Police Chief Eric Guenther. An 11-year-old Illinois girl was stabbed 40 times by her 14-year-old sister, according to the police say, and the reason why has many in the small Chicago-area community of Mundelein reeling in disbelief. Police found the 11-year-old girl unconscious and in need of medical attention in an upstairs bedroom of the dwelling Tuesday morning. She later died. "This incident is a heartbreaking tragedy that defies understanding," said Mundelein Mayor Steve Lentz. "I am asking the Chicagoland area, please pray for us. Pray, first of all, for the family that has been devastated by this." The teen told police she was mad that her sister didn't appreciate all she did for her, prosecutors said at the suspect's detention hearing Wednesday.

First of all, my condolences to the family. The story was written a little strange, They say the girl was found unconscious and in need of medical attention and then say the sister was charged with murder. I am assuming she didn't make it?


  1. I agree, it is strange, but maybe the girl who stabbed her sister had a mental condition or imbalance that made her be so violent. But other things are strange, too - where were their parents during all of this (maybe their possible absence was another reason for murder, because maybe all the girls had were each other)? Also, is the girl sad at all that her sister is dead? Is she feeling regretful?

  2. I agree with Frances. This is so very strange. The 14 year old must have had some kind of mental problem or there was a whole lot more to the story for her to stab her own sister. This is so unconprehendable.

  3. This is terrible and the girl probably needs to watched while she does her time. I'm so sorry for the family and my thoughts will be with them.

  4. There must have been some kind of mental imbalance in the mix.
