Monday, February 16, 2015

An Islamic cult by William Perry Esping

The terrorist group ISIS has taken severe losses from massive bombings and attacks led by the United States, Egypt, and Jordan after killing citizens of the nations. They also have made enemies with Al Qaida and other islamic extremists. They also post their crimes on social media. Many people thought they were just lunatics and doing this for no apparent reason. However it was stated in this article that they are an apocalyptic cult based on a tale from Muhammed about a final battle that would bring the end of days and a true form of islam would emerge. Now this might not be how they think it is going to end, but certainly how they justify their actions. The fact that everyone is going to die in an apocalypse so why not make it happen sooner.

In my opinion ISIS has your typical extremist martyrs that don't care if they die. The thing that makes this group different is that they don't do this for their god they are doing this because they are not happy with their life and want it to end. They feel by pushing the inevitable apocalypse that it would end the stresses of everyday life for everyone. People like ISIS give a bad name to the common Muslim, who prays and accepts other religions.

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