Sunday, February 15, 2015

ISIS gain ground in Iraq- Londyn Alexander pd:9

 Recently in heightened strenious events, the "mortar has been dropped  into a launch tube" provide no reaction alarming or one to bring tranquility.  Despite actions to provoke some feedback, the motor remains unresponsive. The motor is located at a " Junction" that leads from the city of Mosul, Tal Afar, and beyond the Syrian border, where it is currently surrounded by 100 Kurdish fighters as of late last week.  It has been working as a very important supply line for the terrorist group ISIS. Now with the recent support from coalition air strikes it poses an opportunity for the Kurds to seize the area. The Kurds are in a heated tedious battle with ISIS as of now, on that could provoke more warfare if not handled properly.

I believe this is a very delicate situation. The Kurds can't capture specific cities without raising rebellions, but at the same time if they do not ISIS can cause more harm. Based on the groups history I believe the risk should be faced, and if things end favorably ISIS can be charged for its many human  rights violations. The Kurds now have the government of Afghanistan on their side making it an even higher probability to finally take town these villains once and for all.

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