Monday, February 2, 2015

Sony Hack Update By William Perry Esping

Despite evidence presented from cybersecurity firm Norse stating an inside job, the FBI still points its finger at North Korea. The FBI has what other private cybersecurity firms call circumstantial evidence. The FBI believe they have uncovered the IP addresses of the hackers and have linked those IP addresses to North Korea. However if they want a conviction they need to make sure those IP addresses are linked to the hack in order to indefinitely prove that North Korea had anything to do with the hack. I think they should follow the lead given to them by Norse. May be they are both right. North Korea could have paid a former Sony employee to give them some information. Then all they have to do is find the employee and have him testify.

1 comment:

  1. i think all hackers should be stopped because theyve been getting away with going through peoples personal things for years and invading privacy for as long as i can remeber what a hacker is..... Im glad we can start taking them down one at a time
