Tuesday, January 22, 2013


A 56 year old British women was caught smuggling drugs. She was caught with BLOCKS of cocaine in the suitcase she was carrying, it weight 4.7 kilograms, or 10.4 pounds. The 56 year woman was sentence to death by a jury.
The judge's decision for her sentence was for her attitude he said sshe did not regret what she did.
"The UK remains strongly opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances," a Foreign Office statement said.
Ezra Karo Karo, a lawyer acting for Sandiford said the judge didn't consider mitigating circumstances the case. The judge said the woman's actions were acted under the "threat of violence to her family."  

The judge's death sentence was a little TOO harsh. A good time in jail would of done her well. She's only 56 years old, and she might have grandchildren. Maybe she was regretful towards her action, the judge doesn't know how she feels.

SOURCE; http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/22/world/asia/indonesia-uk-death-sentence/index.html?hpt=ieu_c1

1 comment:

  1. I think that they shouldn't have given her such a harsh punishment. They should've just given her a long time in prison.
