Monday, January 28, 2013

City panicked by wave of suspected ritual killings- Jamie Lerman

Last Friday, police found Michele Mbala Mvogo, aga 17, dead body outside a Kindergarten school. Her sister, Deborah Ngoh Tonye, said her body was found mutilated. Police believe this unusual murder is part of a killing spree that has to do with rituals. Panic has spread over Yaounde, where this occurred  18 bodies have been found in the last 2 weeks, and all of the bodies have been found similar to Michele's.

It's an awful thing that happened and could have possibly have been prevented if more security or maybe just more people had been around. Hopefully the wave of murders will stop and hopefully authorities find a suspect or group of them. It's a weird thing that happened, something that we aren't used to happening (that we at least hear of)  here where we live.


  1. Hopefully police will be able to stop this soon

  2. I'm not sure it's going to happen soon but hope for the best.

  3. I hope they found however did it. - Taylor Marsh
