Monday, January 14, 2013

An Past Austrian Parliament Member Jailed for Four Years-Molly Paley

            The former Interior Minister of Austria and member of the European Parliament, Ernst Strasser was jailed because of links to bribery. Journalists posed as lobbyists proposed giving the then European Parliament member lots of money in exchange for his influence on certain laws affecting the European Union. Strasser has denied all allegations, but the presiding judge does not believe his defense. Strasser as well as other former politicians involved in the bribery scandal are planning on appealing the verdict. I think this is such a shame; people elected and trusted by the citizens of their country are not supposed to become liars or become influenced by outside sources.

1 comment:

  1. That is terrible. I can't believe that someone would bribe people so that their law would be passed. It is awful hearing that someone would stoop as low as bribing people to get there way. I agree with you. It is not right how we trust these people to make the right decisions for our country as a whole, and then they just do what others say and lie about it. I am glad that this man is in jail.
