Saturday, January 26, 2013

Egypt sentences 21 to death for stadium disaster by Sydney May

Sydney May

     In Egypt not too long ago, a large event in which 74 were killed and even more injured occurred. 21 were finally found and convicted for their crime. Last year, at Port Said stadium, people were stampeded, thrown from balconies, and beaten after some unexpected visitors showed up to a soccer match. The families of the injured and killed wanted the criminals to be executed asap. It took just under a year for this to happen, but their wishes did come true. It's so sad that things like this happen to innocent people, but I'm glad that justice pulled through in the end. The author of this article was Reuters, and although about a disturbing topic, I enjoyed the read. It was written without bias, and I think this was written for people that are affiliated with Egypt or anyone that wants to know about the world's happenings. It was easy to understand, even though I hadnt known about the event that they were talking about. All in all, I hate that innocent people got hurt, but I'm glad that the criminals were caught.


  1. I agree with you. I'm glad the criminals were caught and justice was served.

  2. Execution is a sketchy topic even if the people did get what they deserved 21 more people died making the death toll to 95.

  3. It's good to know that those who committed such a crime with such death were punished, but execution is still too far in my own opinion.
