Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jackie Brown - On anniversary of revolution, unrest in Egypt leaves 7 dead, hundreds injured

All info is based off of the article in the link above written by: Ramy Francis, Reza Sayah and Greg Botelho, CNN
updated 10:55 PM EST, Fri January 25, 2013

The unrest comes as Egypt is still unable to create a stable environment for its citizens, & there's no harmony working together to create stability to resolve the country's problems. Nerves are struck & have been since after the ouster of Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for over 30 year & in this time was accused of vigorously clamping down on dissent. He has been given a life sentence for being the reason of killings of peaceful protesters demanding his exit, though he will get a new trial in April. People are fed up with their unjust government & are not being quiet about it. 

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