Sunday, January 27, 2013

Deadly Attacks in Nigeria By: Zaria Chambers

In Nigeria at least 22 people have been killed by attacks, of those 22 people 15 Christians were shot inside of a church On Sunday Morning. The violence started early Friday morning when five people were killed in a village. The unidentified gunman has been targeting people in villages, churches. and anyone who is in his path. The suspect has been tied in with the Islamist militant group. Investigators still don't know the motives behind these attacks.

This article was written by Nana Karikari. I think that this is a very sad story how this group is going around killing everyone. I hope that there suspects will get caught soon and have to spend the rest of their lives in prison! 



  1. That's so sad!! Those families are in my prayers.

  2. That is awful. I don't know how people could just kill one another for no reason as all. This person needs to be identified now because if he already has killed 22 people, then who knows how many people he could kill without anyone being able to prevent it. These people have done nothing wrong yet they have to suffer from it. I hope this issue is resolved soon.
