Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Morocco Donates four Million dollars to Syrian refugees by Vittorio Chillemi
Following the Syrian revolt against its dictator, Syria has been in a state of crisis, facing hunger and danger as their nation is facing the problem of forming a democracy. The Syrians received badly-needed help in the form of $4 million dollars from Morocco. Morocco also set up a field hospital in the Syrian-Jordanian border. 
I think it was very generous of the Moroccan people to donate their money. Since Syria and Morocco have many cultural and historical similarities, I think it helped the relations between the two nations.  
Vittorio Chillemi


  1. That's nice if them to do. I hope it'll lead to some peace.

  2. I agree with you when you said that he was being generous. That's such a nice thing for them to do!

  3. It is good to finally read about something that is helpful to a country. It is so nice for Morocco to lend Syria $4 million. Many countries would have decided that since it isn't their problem, they don't need to help, which isn't the case. If you help a struggling country, then later on when your country is struggling, you will have another country to help you out. It is good that the relations are getting better between the two countries, and I hope this continues.
