Monday, January 28, 2013

Kenyan rangers hunt poachers who killed 11 elephants for ivory- Joseph Katinas

Park rangers in Kenya are on the hunt for a gang of poachers who they say killed 11 elephants and ripped off their tusks. This is the latest largest slaughter of the animals to be reported. This is due to the world's increasing demand for ivory. The family of elephants were killed on Saturday in Tsavo East National Park in Southern Kenya. Ranger Teams on foot and in the air are trying to track downthe poachers who they believe are ten of. At the same time, the group said, poachers are becoming more armed, making it harder for often ill-equipped park wardens to protect the animals. I find this article so sad. You should never take the life of a creature especially not for money.;postID=5868884538709440661


  1. I'm glad that the rangers are looking for the poachers! It makes me so sad and angry to know that people would kill large numbers of animals that are about to be extinct just to make a little dough. Ugh

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. It is very bad and sad to see such beautiful animals die. I am also happy the rangers are searching but they do need to be careful since the poachers are claimed to be armed.

  3. These beautiful creatures deserve to live a happy life, not be killed and sold for human pleasure. This makes me extremely upset to know that people are heartless enough to kill these fascinating animals.
