Friday, January 25, 2013

Abusing in Bamako-Faith Barnes

In Bamako, Mali people are being abused by Islamist militants in north Mali. They are just for little things like smoking a cigarette or working for a radio journalist. They now have broken limb and broken hearts. They now can't get jobs and as they say it "life is over for us". "For the Islamist, a human being is like an ant you squash, like an animal you slaughter," said Sedou Sangare who is a resident of a northern town of  Geo. Geo once was a place of color and men and women would walk down the street, covered in beads, freely. Then the Islamist rode in on rundown pickup trucks, armed to the teeth. They started banning things like TV, smoking,sports, and music. They also forbade unmarried men and women from talking together. People are hoping that it will soon get better but for right now it's not gonna.



  1. This is really sad. I hope it gets better for the people other than the Islamists

  2. This is terrible. Can you imagine someone taking control of how you live and what you do?

  3. This is horrible. We are so lucky to live in the U.S where people don't control how we live and what we do. It is not right how the Islamists can just come in and take control of these poor people. The people in Geo and everywhere should be able to live how they want to, as long as they aren't hurting others. I hope that these Islamists stop controlling everyone because it isn't right. Geo needs to return to how it once was.
