Monday, January 28, 2013

Suspected Ritual Killings in Cameroon by Amanda Kipp

These past two weeks in the city of Yaounde, Cameroon, police have found a total of 18 dead bodies on the streets; all of which were mutilated. Last Wednesday, 17 year old Michele Mvgog left for high school one morning and never returned home. That Friday, police discovered her corpse along with 4 other bodies that had been dumped outside of a kindergarten school. Michele's sister Deborah Tonye said that when she saw the body, someone had removed Michele's breast, tongue, eyes, hair, and genitals. Michele's strange murdered is suspected to be part of a wave of murders linked to occult rituals that has sent the city of Yaounde into a panic. Security officials say that the victims are all between ages 15 and 26, mostly girls. This is such a horrifying story and I pray for the people of this city. I know i would be terrified if I was living there and I hope that police will find the people behind this gruesome murders and put them behind bars.


  1. Wow! That's so sad. People are sick! These families are in my prayers!

  2. That's terrible. I would be scared to leave my home if such terrible mutilations are occuring. I hope they stop soon.

  3. Woah woah that is insanely discusting! Major prayers and good thoughts for the people in that city! That must be terrifying.

  4. Wow, that's so gross. I'll pray for these people. These killers are probably just killing for fun.
