Monday, March 27, 2017

Chloe Dupuy: iPhone 6 gets the spotlight

               David Goldman reports on how apple has completed a great achievement in technological history by selling over four million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus phones in one day. The fact that it was just a pre-order surprised apple and other companies because it shows the hype on the new smartphone. Goldman also talks about how people are already waiting in line for the new iPhone right now, so they can be the first to get an iPhone.
               Apple created a product in 2006 that changed the world for ever. So many different products that have been made were based of this original iPhone. So when the original gets updated, of course there is going to be a lot of buzz. Of course there is going to be a lot of interest and curiosity. Samsung claims that there product is the next big thing, but obviously it was stumped compared to a phone that hasn't even come yet. This just shows the amount of suspense and curiosity that Apple has instilled in their customers and regardless of what any other company has done. Apple has shown to be one of the top of the line mobile device companies in history. Everything they have come out with is somewhat revolutionary. And this step for them is going to be a big one.


  1. I think the only reason it's so popular is for the status. Pretty soon Apple is going to run out of ideas and people we'll only be getting the new phones just to say they got them.

  2. I agree with Jesse, it seems like people just buy the updated versions to feel like they're of a high status. Apple isn't going to be able to keep coming out with 'new and improved ones' that aren't actually that different from the previous ones; something better will come along and people will stop buying their phones.

  3. I agree with jessie. I phones are just like jordans. Same concept just adding more to it to make it seem fancy. But I thinks that people are just getting the phones just to say that they have the new trend.

  4. I think all of the new updates are useless and small. I think they should wait until there is an extreme advancement in their technology and then send out a new phone. Not change small things and give out new phones every year and a half.

  5. I think that apple is doing a really good job with their iphones lately. I actually want a iPhone 6.
