Monday, March 6, 2017

Elle Holland Current Event #22

Disney's new live action remake of beauty and the beast, scheduled to release later this month, could be banned from being shown in Russia. The Russian lawmakers claimed it had "propaganda of sin and perverted sexual relationships"... and its a disney movie... Russia as a whole is trying to stop the spread of ideas about homosexuality towards children and anywhere it could be spread. Even though the movie barely suggests of this the Russian government still finds the movie inappropriate.

I think it is ridiculous that they will not allow a DISNEY MOVIE with a couple controversial scenes to be realized. It is important to inform the youth so that new can as a whole world begin to change, improve and be more accepting instead of shielding them all from life.


  1. This is so ridiculous considering this movie was made for children

  2. I don't understand where the Russian government is coming from, I hope they rethink this ban.

  3. It is ridiculous how Russia is barring this movie because of homosexuality. Just because you may not support it, doesn't mean you should restrict all of Russia or anywhere. If you don't support it, you should be the one not seeing it. I agree it is important to inform the youth and others so we as a society and community can learn to be more accepting

  4. This reminds me of when everyone was freaking out last year because of a lesbian couple in Finding Dory. These are DISNEY movies and children should be taught to recognize love in every way. Why do we continue to want to hide and shame homosexuals? We can't progress with this attitude.
