Monday, March 27, 2017

You can't record? Aeva Ramirez4

An attorney, who occasionally drives as an Uber For a little extra cash, was stopped by police and they arrested his client. Bright, the attorney, started recording the police officers as protection. The the officers told Bright that it was illegal to video police, while in actuality it is encouraged if you ever feel the need for it. The police were hostile to the man and called for canines to search the car. In the end both men were let go without being charged.

 I believe that if somebody does not feel secure around police officers they have the right to record them as protection. Officers should try not to get hostile about it because that only makes the situation worse. I understand how the officers might get on edge being filmed during their working hours, but you have to realize you're dealing with human beings and cops don't always have the best reputation.


  1. Unbelievable. This is why its important for citizens to know and study the law for their safety.

  2. Everyone needs to know their rights as citizens, especially with how brutal police can be.
