Thursday, February 20, 2014

contaminated water leaked from Fukushima power plant by Eleanor E-W

The Fukushima nucleur power plant in Japan leaked contaminated water out.  The water has been going into the ground. Luckily none of the contaminated water got into the Pacific Ocean. The company has stopped the leak and is trying to check on the damage.

A nucleur plant leaking water sounds scary. I hope that this will make this company and other companies more cautious and careful so they do not leak contaminated water anymore, so it will be less likely to harm people.



  1. I definitely agree - nuclear power, though very powerful, is extremely dangerous, and I think many countries should get rid of, somehow, their nuclear weapons and power. We've had quite a few scares and accidents like this one in the past century, and the lesson to learn is that nuclear power is dangerous and should not be used.

  2. I agree with you and Frances. Overall, nuclear power is harmful to people and can cause lots of pollution damage. If it is used at all still by countries, I think it should be used in a controlled environment with lots of precaution.

  3. I agree with Josie if they are using it at all they really should be more cautious.
