Monday, February 24, 2014

Insomnia or mutation? -SK hatcher

Many people have recently come out and said that they can easily and comfortably function on 1-4 hours of sleep. They're not insomniacs, it's not unhealthy, it's a genetic mutation. Bill Clinton also has this. It's a genetic disease and from research so far is benififial to those people. Their sleep cycle is simply shrunk into half the time. 

I personally wish I had this mutation. I would be able to get a lot done and still feel good and not miss the day! 

Chanel 8 wfaa news


  1. *0* woah man, thats cool. Now thats how we should live. hopefully, the human population may evolve and the majority may soon carry these traits. We would get a lot more work done. Although, the caffiene prices would drop in sales.

  2. Agreed lets go evolution its your time to shine!

  3. This is a good mutation! This would increase productivity so much!
