Thursday, February 20, 2014

nuns go to jail by Eleanor E-W

A nun was sentanced to years in prison for destroying property by breaking into a nucleur facility. Two nun 'peacekeepers' broke into a nucleur facility and after hiking for about a mile, put up posters and in general vandalized a nucleur facility. They were convicted and are going to prison.

I think this is intersting. I know that nuns are supposed to be like holy people, so it's weird that they are going to jail. But they did what they did for peaceful reasons so I guess that makes it a little less weird. 



  1. It's kind of funny that 'peacekeepers' went and vandalized a building. Although it seemed like their reason was protest, it kind of goes against what they stand for to break in somewhere.

  2. In this instance I don't think these nuns were being very peaceful, they should go to jail, but its sad that a nun did this
