Monday, February 17, 2014

Women Rights Improving By: Hannah Kerman

In Saudi Arabia, a woman, Somayya Jabarti, has finally become an editor at a major newspaper company. She was the only one right for the job because she had all the right training from the previous writer. She used to translate for the Arab News which started her job in journalism. Jabarti's biggest problem will be working in a field dominated by men, and what the country will think. Today women can't drive because it's against their religion, but this is a big step towards improving feminism in the Middle East.
I think this is amazing because in a lot of countries men dominate most fields and women are to stay home. This creates big tension over gender roles. Of course in the U.S., that isn't as big of an issue although it's still present, but in many other countries women have little to no rights and this is a huge advancement for women in the Middle East.

1 comment:

  1. It's good that women's rights are improving! Maybe this will show other countries that women and men deserve to be equals.
