Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monkeying Around in Japan-JULIA WOLTJEN

As a drill in Japan, a zookeeper dressed up in a gorilla costume and "became loose from the zoo". The emergency team than "tranquilized" their co-worker, wrapped him in a net and loaded him on a truck. These drills are used in Japan to help prepare for an earthquake scenario where the animals become loose and start running amuck!

Personally, yes this is very smart but these workers acted like it was stupid and didn't get into it at all. I'm not looking for a show but I mean if that was for real and an agitated male gorilla was on the loose I really don't think a net would do much. In my personal opinion.


  1. I have mixed feeling upon this act. I do believe they should have a sort of training to do this, but I don't believe humans should be tranquilized just for this test.

  2. I don't think a human can represent an animal in this act. Animals are going to be crazy and almost impossible to catch. A human can be easily outrun and probably isn't taking this all that seriously.

  3. If an earthquake actually happens, there's a good chance that it will be a bit more chaotic than this.

  4. This probably isn't the best way to practice, since the animals will probably be crazier than a human.
