Monday, February 3, 2014

Moscow school shooting by Jackson Daughety

Summary: A Moscow School student took 20 other students hostage during class. He entered the school, threatened the security guard with a gun, Shot a teacher on the way to a classroom. The teacher was killed along with one police officer. The suspect was caught. His father was the one that was able to talk to him on the phone and then in person in order to talk him out of killing anyone else or doing anything more drastic. It is said that he had a grudge against a teacher and that was the motivation for this attack. Analysis: These Attacks just seem to happen every day now. At least this one had a purpose. Crimes with a purpose can at least be prevented. Random crimes are the really dangerous ones. I am glad the father was able to react and talk to his son. He probably saved a few lives. It seems like someone should have been paying enough attention to this kid to see something like this coming.


  1. Well, in school nobody goes to a security guard just because someone threatened to kill Ms. Countryman just because she's making us do The Blues.....wait...what!!!

  2. I think it's really extreme to want to kill a teacher because they had a grudge against them (even though we don't know how bad it was), so I agree that measures need to be taken to ensure that this doesn't happen again with this kid or any others. I don't know what gun laws are like in Moscow, but I hope they can restrict gun uses, because I also agree that killing innocent people with no prior motive is even worse (if that's even possible).

  3. It's scary to think that a kid could hold such a grudge on a teacher so long, and so much that they'd want to end the teacher's life! I've been mad about grades before sure, but I also recognized that it was my responsibility and not the teacher's. Its good that his father was able to talk him down before he killed more people.

  4. Its really wild that a person (of all - A KID) would kill their fellow classmates, teachers or other adults at the school. I mean, theres always more to the story than the media lets out, aka: abuse, grudges due to prior problems, etc., but still.. its seems so depressing that these keep happening all over america. And it become so common. Like shootings are almost as common as car wrecks. :(
