Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Case Cockrell-11/18/14


The senate has declined the passing of the KeyStone bill. The bil would make job opportunities much higher, causing the economy to most likely rise. "This is for Americans, for American jobs, to build an American middle class, and it will create 40,000 immediate jobs," Landrieu said on the Senate floor ahead of the vote. "If the people of this Congress haven't noticed, there's a long unemployment line in some parts of this country." The project would be too expensive is most likely the reason the bill didn't pass. 

My analysis on this event is that the bill should bot have been a priority. We need to tend to our issues with foreign countries. Billions of dollars is going into war, while we should be benfeiting what really matters. Money is valuable, and we should be using it wisely.


  1. This is an interesting bill that has strong points leaning to both main parties. Quentin Noble2

  2. I disagree, I think this bill is more important than foreign affairs. Lately the gap between the rich and poor has been growing wider, and the middle class decreasing. I think if this bill will benefit the economy and increase the middle class, it should be priority.
