Friday, November 14, 2014

world events

woman not dead 
by adrianna martinez

 In poland a 91 year old woman was proclaimed dead but woke up 11 hours later in cold storage at a funeral home.Her family noticed she stopped breathing and immeadietly called a doctor.The doctor examined her and felt no pulse or heartbeat and she was declared dead, 11hrs. later the funeral home called the family. Authorities are trying to find out what happened,and investigating whether the doctor put the woman in danger of loss of life.

This event that occured is frightening and dangerous.If the woman had not awoken at the funeral home she could have been buried alive.Also doctors might need to be trained more to ensure another event like this does not occur.

1 comment:

  1. This event would have scared me for life but j really glad that she woke up before it was to late and I'm sure that the family of this woman was frightened but glad she was alive
